What’s in a name?

A name is so important to each of us. It tells us a little bit about who we are, what we believe, and where we come from. For us, Faith describes us well. From our beginning, our faith in God and each other, has been a source of spiritual strength for us. We welcome the wide embrace of an inclusive faith as we believe Jesus shows us in the Bible. We take being a local neighbor in our town seriously and believe we are called to help serve in making a just world for all people.


While the church was founded in 1909, the current building was built during the height of the Great Depression. Questions about whether to pause the building or continue building were part of the discernment of this congregation at the time. Through prayer, our ancestors believed God was calling them to continue to build a church that would be a warm welcome to all of the State College and Penn State University community.


 It is this bold faith that continues to guide us today. We are an open and affirming church which means we celebrate and affirm LGBTQIA people and believe you are a blessing. We embrace the dignity of every person and welcome all people into the full life and ministry of the church regardless of race, ethnic background, gender, sexuality, body ability, or life circumstance. We believe YOU matter and God loves YOU!


Our story is still being written through our growing faith. Through questions and doubts and interfaith friendship we are a church that affirms the wide river of faith and the unique story of each person. Whether you grew up in the area, or at Penn State for studies, or are a family looking to raise your kids in the Christian faith we look forward to meeting you and growing in faith at Faith together!

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